Six Things We Can Do for the Middle East

I am sure that many of you, like me, are greatly disturbed by events happening in different parts of the Middle East. We can feel powerless to change things, but I reckon there are significant things we can do.

1. We can pray. Whatever else is happening in the Middle East, there is a profound spiritual battle raging. Those who bear the name of Jesus, as well as other minorities, are being brutally targeted. Prayer changes things. Prayer for protection of the innocent, prayer for restraint of evil, prayer for transformed hearts, prayer for Christian agencies and others trying to help.

2. We can be aware. It is good for us to keep in touch with what is happening in the world. The internet makes it possible for us to access global news and reports, beyond local commercial reports. There are profound changes happening in the world, and not just the Middle East. Being aware helps shape our prayers.

3. We can be informed. I think we in the west are largely ignorant of Islam and the worldview of the Islamic movements sweeping the world. We really do need to get a grasp of this, to read up on Islam, and to get to understand its teachings and thought-forms. I hope we can run an evening on this later in the year. I have so much to learn myself. The books by Mark Durie I have found helpful. The Melbourne School of Theology (Burwood) are doing a lot of work on this and providing courses for people who can take it further.

4. We can write. Write our prayers or concerns, share them with others (I have appreciated some information and links shared on facebook recently) . Write to politicians to encourage support for Christian communities under persecution.

5. We can give. If you are in a position to do so, you may like to contribute to one of the groups providing relief for refugees currently being affected. The vicar of Baghdad, the remarkable Andrew White, sponsors The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East (, who do significant work to help Christians and suffering Muslims alike.

6. We can build a strong local church. It may seem distant, but I think it is a really important time for the church communities in western nations like ours, to be strong and vibrant, to simply live out the love of Jesus in our daily lives. We are thereby showing forth an alternative to the terror and violence that has become more acceptable in today’s world. Our vision time at St Luke’s aims to help us keep moving in this direction.

So, we are not powerless. We can all make a difference, even to the Middle East!